As reported earlier, Swedish car-maker Volvo launched the new S90 luxury sedan in India. The new flagship car is priced at Rs 53.5 lakhs and replaces the S80. With this launch, the company now competes against the Mercedes-Benz E-Class, BMW 5 Series and Audi A6.The S90 is based on the Scalable Product Architecture (SPA) technology. Talking about the engine, it is powered by the D4 2-litre, 4-cylinder diesel engine that churns out 190PS of power and 400Nm of torque. It is mated with an 8-speed automatic gearbox.
There are three driving modes available on the car (Eco, Dynamic and Comfort) that transform the overall performance depending on the requirement. The headlamps come with a unique finish with daytime-running lights (DRLs) and the chrome-finished concave front grille give it a strong appeal. At the back you get c-shaped tail lamps while the overall length is quite a bit giving it a bolder look.
Inside there is a chrome strip running across the dash and a large 9-inch infotainment screen placed in the middle which is the same as the Volvo XC90. Of course safety features include side and curtain airbags, ABS, emergency brake assist, ISOFIX, park-assist and lane-keep assist.