Facebook Live is becoming a shitstorm of epic proportions

When giving a platform to someone, it quickly becomes apparent that not everyone is worthy of having it. If you don’t believe me, a 10-minute perusal through Facebook Live is probably all you’ll need to see the light.The tech-charged world we live in has left us fortunate to be able to log on and broadcast a message to a potential audience of billions. Some take full advantage of it by making it a value-added proposition. Whether creating art or offering sound advice, the Casey Neistat’s and Gary Vaynerchuk’s of the world are who live video was made for.These two, and countless others provide real value in their creative work — in both entertainment and utility. But hell, I’m not picky; I’d settle for either of the above — even ‘Real Housewives’ can check one of the two boxes (for some people, anyway).

What I can’t wrap my head around is the engagement-seeking behavior that drives people to post something like this: